Is React a library or a framework and why?
Is React a library or a framework? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? How do these concepts differ? These are the questions that...
What is React.js?
React.js is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries currently in use. Used by big tech such as Facebook, Instagram, and Netflix, and with over...
What are the pros and cons of using ReactJs?
With the development of modern software technology, companies are increasingly looking for solutions that provide web application performance and maintainability. ReactJs is one of the...
Why do I need to write HTML inside React code?
Have you ever been curious about why HTML should be written in React code? Have you question why you should invest time to learn both...
Why use JSX instead of JS?
JavaScript has been the go-to language for web development for many years, but recently, the introduction of JSX has changed the way developers write code....