What is the potential of using server-side rendering for React applications? How does it improve the performance of an application in comparison to client-side rendering? How does it impact SEO and overall accessibility? These are just a few of the questions that have been causing a stir in the React development community.
The main problem with server-side rendering is that it usually comes at the cost of performance, as web applications need to constantly communicate with the server and also send extra requests for data. This additional load on the server can lead to significant latency while loading content. Additionally, search engine crawlers have difficulty indexing React applications since their content is loaded too slowly, making it nearly impossible for them to detect and display the information from the application content in their search results.
In this article, you will learn about the advantages of using server-side rendering for React applications, and how it can help to improve performance, enhance user experience, and improve SEO. We will look at the various options available for implementing server-side rendering for React, and discuss some of the best practices and tools that can help to streamline the process of setting up server-side rendering for React applications. Finally, we will discuss the most important tips and considerations for ensuring successful server-side rendering for React applications.

Definitions of Server Side React Rendering

Server Side React Rendering is a process of running React components on the server side, rather than on the client side. This technology allows web applications to render React components into HTML, which can be further used for sending the HTML response to browser that requested it. The main benefit of server-side rendering is that it makes the applications faster and provides the search engine optimization (SEO) benefits.
React is a JavaScript library designed by Facebook for building user interfaces. It’s used to build single page applications, mobile apps, and complex web applications. React allows developers to create scalable, fast, and interactive user interfaces.
Client Side Rendering is a process of rendering application UI components directly on the web browser instead of on the server. This method can be more performant than server side rendering, however, it doesn’t offer SEO benefits.
Server Side Rendering is a process of running applications on a server instead of a web browser. This type of rendering is more beneficial for applications that require SEO support as it allows search engines to crawl and index the applications faster.
By using server side React rendering, developers can create applications that are fast, optimized for SEO, and interactive. This technology makes it easier to build complex web applications and provides developers with a lot of flexibility in terms of app design.

Heading 1: Benefits of Using Server Side React Rendering

Benefits of Using Server Side React Rendering

Server side React rendering has been steadily growing in popularity amongst developers due to its many benefits. React is a library for building user interfaces, and server-side rendering is a way to display React components and the data within them to the client’s browser. Here are a few key benefits of using React server-side rendering compared to traditional client-side rendering.


Server-side rendering of React components allows them to be loaded quickly in the browser. When creating a web page, a blank page is shown first and the client-side JavaScript code is then loaded into the browser. This means that the rendered web page is not available until after the JavaScript code is loaded and interpreted by the browser, leading to slower page-load times. With server-side rendering, the page can be pre-configured and displayed almost instantly. This leads to faster page loads and better user experience.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Since server-side rendered React components are already in HTML form, search engine crawlers can read and index them without the need for running JavaScript code. This makes server side React rendering much more SEO friendly than client-side rendering for ensuring your website can be easily discovered.


Server-side rendering allows developers to render more robust, larger React applications. Whereas client-side rendering has its limits in relation to the type and size of applications that can be easily created, server-side rendering makes it possible to create larger React applications with more features that can still be served to the client quickly.

Reduced JavaScript Load

Server-side rendering also reduces the load placed on the client’s browser, as the React components are already in HTML form. This means that the client’s browser can render the page much faster, reducing the strain on their device and limiting the amount of time required to render the page.

List of Benefits

  • Faster page-load times
  • Better SEO friendly
  • Robustness for large React applications
  • Reduced JavaScript load

Heading 2: Different Approaches to Server Side React Rendering

The use of server-side rendering of React applications is becoming increasingly popular due to its ability to improve the performance of both client-side applications and websites. This rendering technology offers a way to create websites through rendering JavaScript without having to load multiple files or packages.
In general, there are two main approaches to server-side React rendering: Static Markup rendering and Dynamic Server-Side Rendering.

Static Markup Rendering

Static Markup rendering is a process of pre-rendering the web page HTML and CSS before the first page view is served to the user, with all the data ready to be accessed. This approach results in a decreased loading time, more control over rendering, and greater performance overall. This is beneficial for search engine optimisation and generally preferred for websites that have large or complex page components.

Dynamic Server-Side Rendering

Dynamic Server-Side Rendering addresses the issue of slow loading times and performance issues. This approach optimises the page components to be loaded in isolation before the first page view is served. This makes the site highly interactive and more optimised for the user experience. Server-side rendering is used in complex applications such as those requiring data from a database and has the added benefit of using client-side JavaScript code.
These two approaches to server-side React rendering offer different solutions for different needs and provide developers with the ability to customise their projects to suit their preferences and the user’s needs. Ultimately, the right approach for your business or project will depend on its requirements, resources, and objectives.

Heading 3: Challenges Encountered During Server Side React Rendering

Server side React rendering refers to the process of rendering React components on the server side or back end of a user’s request. This type of rendering can help to improve the performance of React applications, especially when dealing with large applications with tons of data to serve. This type of rendering also allows for the use of server-side code, such as Node and Express, which makes it easier to handle authentication, fetching data, etc.

Advantages of Server-Side Rendering

Server-side React renderings offer many advantages that make applications faster and smoother. When a user makes a request for a web page, the server runs the code and serves the results to the user’s browser. This eliminates the need for the browser to make additional requests and wait for the pages to render. Additionally, since the server is essentially pre-rendering the components, the browser doesn’t have to wait and the latency is reduced.

Limitations of Server-Side Rendering

Despite the improved performance and responses, server-side React renderings come with some limitations as well. Since the server is the one pre-rendering the web-page components, there is less flexibility when it comes to user interactions. Additionally, server-side renderings can sometimes be more resource intensive than client-side rendering. Furthermore, SEO optimization may be more complex with server-side renderings since the server will not have access to the same client-side code.
Overall, server-side renderings offer some advantages over client-side renderings, but they come with some challenges of their own. Those wishing to set up server-side rendering need to understand the limitations as well as the advantages and make sure their application is set up to take advantage of the benefits provided by this technology.


and answers to questions in HTML tag
Though-provoking question on topic: With React being a popular progressive web library, what advantages exist for using a server-side rendering approach?
The server side rendering of React allows for complex applications to be rendered on the server just like any static HTML page, allowing for a super speedy initial page load with minimal server effort. The downside to this approach is that it can add complexity to the application due to the need to have the applications rendered on the server as well as within the browser. If you choose to use this approach, make sure you read up on the pros and cons before making your decision.
If you are interested in delving further into the topic of server side rendering of React, then make sure to follow our blog where we will present updates on this technology and others in the React development sphere. Stay up to date and never miss any of the new releases!
Q1: What is Server Side Rendering?
Server side rendering is the concept of having complicated React applications being rendered to HTML on the server before being served to the user. This is in contrast to letting theReact application being handled directly within the browser.
Q2: What are the advantages?
The advantages of server side rendering is that the initial page load will be a lot faster than relying solely on the browser because the server can compile the page before it is sent to the user. This can lessen the burden on the browser and speed up the server-browser communication.
Q3: What about the other approach?
The other approach is called client side rendering and is still popular. This involves having the React application being handled purely within the browser. This is less complicated to implement but can lead to slower initial page loads due to the fact that the browser has to handle all of the work.
Q4: How do I decide which is best?
The best approach to deciding which method is best depends on the situation of the application. If the application in question is quite complex then it may be best to consider server side rendering. However, if the application is relatively simple, then client side rendering may be better.
Q5: Is there a downside to server side rendering?
Yes, as with all approaches there are downsides to server side rendering. It can add complexity to the application as you now have to handle the application on both the server and the browser. Additionally, traffic backups on the server can lead to applications not loading properly.

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